Monday, October 27, 2008

Sensationalized Rumors

At times (every year) we hear of statements supposedly spoken by someone holding the Apostleship stating some strange doctrine given at a random private meeting or family gathering. It has happened again.

I have received an email (five times) quoting a talk President Packer supposedly gave at someone’s sacrament meeting. The Brethren have ways to communicate with us through proper channels. General Conference, official writings and official correspondence with those who hold keys i.e. Stake Presidents and Bishops are the most prominent. We believe that there is no salvation in believing false doctrine.

Why do we need a statement from a private meeting when we have General Confernce where the Brethren spoke about the finical crisis and how to be safe, in plain language: LIVE THE GOSPEL! We are like the covenant people in the Book of Mormon who got this warning because they were a “stiffnecked people and . . . despised the words of plainness. . . by looking beyond the mark and must needs fall; for God hath taken away his plainness from them. . . “(Jacob 4:14)

We don’t need to sensationalize the gospel. The message Christ has given is exciting enough in its plainness to hold our attention and study for a lifetime. Joseph Smith taught that truth cuts its own way. (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, 313.)
We received the following letter from Church Headquarters:

Talk given by President Boyd K. Packer on Sunday, October 12, 2008

Forwarded from the CES Administrator’s office in the Central Office in Salt Lake City:

President Boyd K. Packer’s Office has indicated that the report of his talk of Sunday, October 12, 2008, that is being distributed is not accurate. President Packer has not approved the report of his talk or authorized it’s distribution.

It is recommended that individuals follow the instruction, counsel, and spirit of his recent October 2008 General Conference talk.

We also need to consider that The First Presidency issued a letter May 13, 2004 which is now quoted in the new general handbook of instructions and provides official instruction: “…members of the Church [are] to never teach or pass on… statements without verifying that they are from approved official sources… Any notes made when General Authorities, Area Seventies, or other general Church officers speak at regional and stake conferences or other meetings should not be distributed without the consent of the speaker. Personal notes are for individual use only.” (Church Handbook of Instructions, Book 1 (2006), pg. 173.)


cskelton said...

Thank you so much, I did question it after looking at the entire email.

Anonymous said...

And that is why I forward things to Andy.

steve said...

but I want to see the original "debunked" email! forward it to me would ya?